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Pippins Class

Our teachers

Mrs Hayman is the main class teacher of our Reception class and Miss Fisher teaches us on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs McKechnie supports us in the classroom.

Weekly News



Reading books will be collected inCurriculum Overview Summer 2024 Week 7 this week


Show and Tell

Library with Mrs Bingham - no new library books before the summer holidays

What We Are Learning This Week

Curriculum Overview Summer 2024 Week 7

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organiser Summer Term 2 - 'The Land Outdoors'

Poem of the Week



The children wrote this poem, which was delivered to members of the community in Speen as part of Mental Health Awareness week.

                    Love feels like a soft pillow

                    Love smells like chicken nuggets

                    Love sounds like a big kiss

                    Love tastes like candy floss

                    Love looks like clouds.



Reception Key Text

Meet The Teacher PowerPoint

 Meet the Teacher PowerPoint 2024

Autumn Term Photo Gallery



Spring Term Photo Gallery



Summer Term Photo Gallery


Pippins Class Summer Photos

Making our Gardens

We made our own gardens in Forest Schools based on our mystery text 'Errol's Garden'.






Home Learning

Each child in Pippins class will receive the following homework:


ALL Reading books will be collected on a Tuesday and exchanged for a new book on Wednesday. Just 10 minutes of reading practice every day will support your child's reading fluency.

(Please keep in book bags safely, and please remember no water bottles inside book bags)

Little Wandle (our Reading scheme) books will be sent home on a Thursday. These will be sent home in a zip-up folder together with a Home Learning sheet to support your child to practise and reinforce the phonemes and graphemes we are learning in school.

Optional Homework (below)

Pippins have set an optional homework grid. There are eight fun activities on the grid to choose from over the half-term.

Children can bring their work to school on a Thursday to Show and Tell and share with their class or photograph it and upload it to Tapestry.

RMEasimaths & Letter Join – Usernames and passwords sent home September 2023