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School Council

Speen School Council have been very busy this year helping guide the rest of the children in making important decisions about the way we run the school.

September 2024

The school council are holding a food drive for The Wycombe Food Hub. Angela came to school to explain the important work the food hub does. She said we could help by collecting food and donating it to the charity.


May 2024 - Mental Health Awareness Week

The School Council have helped the children celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week. They have been holding large playground games such as 'Stuck in the Mud' to keep us all active. The children wrote poems about being kind and shared them with the local community. We also dressed in green to show our awareness.


May 2024 - Book Swap to raise money for The Horse Trust



Road Safety

The school council are concerned about children getting to school safely in the morning. They invited our local PCSO into school to talk to the children about road safety. The children then made their own posters encouraging children to cross the road safely and grown ups to park safely.