How to Help at Home
Little Apples - How to Help at Home
We know that parents and carers often want to find out a bit more about how to support their children at home. We have included some links below that we think may be helpful, and if there are any other topics you would like covered then please let us know.
Speech and Language
Speech & Language UK Progress Checker
Healthy Development
Early Education
What to Expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Potty Training
At Little Apples Preschool we are happy to work with parents to support potty/toilet training.
Please see below for advice and our policy.
Potty and Toilet Training Policy
Managing Emotions
Pippin Class - How to Help at Home
Developing language through talk
Phonics and Reading
Phonics Presentation for Parents
Supporting your child with reading at home/How to use wordless books
How to say your sounds Autumn 1
How to say your sounds Autumn 2
Speech and Language
Match, Sort and Compare
Providing children with a wide range of the same objects allows them to explore sorting and matching at a deeper level.
Think about colour, size, shape and texture of objects to support children’s language development and descriptions.
Compare Size
Model the use of language such as ‘big’, ‘little’, ‘large’ and ‘small’ and encourage children to describe what they notice. Moving the objects they are comparing close together can support understanding.
Compare Mass
Model use of language such as ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ and give children the opportunity to pick up different objects to develop their understanding of the words.
Explore Simple Patterns
Support your children to recognise that a pattern is a repeated unit. Can you explore different patterns and learn that patterns can be both visual and auditory (involving sound).
It's me 1 2 3
Support your child to say confidently the number names ‘one’, ‘two’ and ‘three’ out loud.....can they match the verbal number names to numerals and quantities? Encourage your child to count to three using objects in different arrangements by carefully touching each object as they count. Your child should understand that the final number they say is the quantity in that set.
Circles and Triangles
Support your child to notice circles and triangles all around them and begin to describe their properties. They may use informal language such as ‘pointy’ or ‘sharp’ to describe what they notice, but also encourage them to use the correct mathematical language for describing the properties of circles and triangles, such as ‘sides ’, ‘straight’, ‘corners ’ and ‘round’. Children learn that triangles are flat shapes with three straight sides and three corners, and that circles are flat shapes which are perfectly round.
Share stories and pictures which show 4 and 5 and count (carefully) the groups. Encourage children to find 4 or 5 objects at home and spot 4 and 5 wherever you are!. A number hunt around the house is a great activity to support this.
Shapes with 4 sides
Help your child to notice squares and rectangles all around them and begin to describe their properties.
Point out that a shape can have other shapes within it, just as numbers can be made up of other numbers. Show how shapes can be joined and changed in everyday contexts, such as preparing sandwiches for lunch.
Pre-cut gummed paper shapes are a great resource to support children both in making shape pictures and combining shapes to make other shapes!
Growing 6 7 8
Provide simple board games and two 1−4 dice. Ask your child to roll both dice and move the required number of spaces on the board. Ask them which two numbers they have rolled and prompt them to combine them to find the total number.
Autumn Term Number rhymes-Enjoy these at home too!
Five little men in a flying saucer - BBC Teach
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed - BBC Teach
Five little speckled frogs - BBC Teach
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive - BBC Teach
Five little apples - BBC Teach
Five little ducks went swimming one day - BBC Teach
One big hippo balancing - BBC Teach
Doodle maths letter and instructions (Spring 2025)
Doodle maths letter/instructions
Bramley Class - How to Help at Home
Spelling Strategies
Phonics screening check information for parents:
Supporting your child with reading at home
Year 1 Maths
Videos to support the teaching on shape: - Recognise and name 3D shapes - Sort 3D shapes - Recognise and name 2D shapes - Sort 2D shapes - Patterns with 2D and 3D shapes
Year 2 Maths
Videos to support the teaching on shape: - Recognise 2D and 3D shapes - Count sides of 2D shapes - Count vertices on 2D shapes - Draw 2D shapes - Lines of symmetry in shapes - Use lines of symmetry to complete shapes - Sort 2D Shapes - Count faces on 3D shapes - Count edges on 3D shapes - Count vertices on 3D shapes - Sort 3D shapes - Make patterns with 2D and 3D shaps